Misc Gnome Stuff

من ويكي عربآيز
نسخة 21:35، 29 نوفمبر 2006 للمستخدم Hosny (ناقش | مساهمات) (translator_credits)
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This page for random issues related to Gnome translation


The formate of translators_credits field is different from file to file, this is my proposal to unify it.

فريق عربآيز للترجمة http://www.arabeyes.org :\n
اسم المترجم\t<translator@foo.org>\n
مترجم آخر\t<another_one@foobar.org>

The "\t" (tap character) will add a "tap" after translators name, which will help aligning e-mails together to make it look better. The "\n" is (new line character) necessary to start new lines.