List of lexicons
من ويكي عربآيز
- Files: file, folder, directory, record...
- Devices: scanner, camera, video camera...
- Colors: red, blue, grey, magenta, green...
- Types of computers: mainframe, laptop, desktop, media centre, workstation, server, handheld, pocketpc, palmpc, mobile phone, tablet pc
- Data vs information vs records
- Application quitting: close, quit, exit, kill, terminate, end, finish... Application Quitting Lexicon Template
- Names related to Islam: quran, hadith, Sunna...
- cd burning: cdrw, dvd, dvd+r...
- Process, program, application, operation...
- Mail message, private message, instant message, etc
- firewall...
- drop, reject, accept, return, NAT, related, established, new
- Incoming, outcoming, outbound, inbound, input, output, etc
- Username and password.
- Network: packet, server,client, lan, protocols(marassim?), bandwidth, socket, raw socket.
- Account, profile, user, root,
- collections: tree, vector, array, variable names: int, double, float, ...
- Multimedia, audio, video, camera...