تصنيف:Untranslated Terms
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صفحات تصنيف «Untranslated Terms»
الصفحات 200 التالية مصنّفة بهذا التصنيف، من إجمالي 1,992.
(الصفحة السابقة) (الصفحة التالية)S
- techdict:Subscript
- techdict:Subset
- techdict:Subshell support
- techdict:Substituted
- techdict:Substitution
- techdict:Substrate
- techdict:Substring
- techdict:Substructure
- techdict:Subsystem
- techdict:Subtitle
- techdict:Subtract
- techdict:Subtype
- techdict:Subtyping
- techdict:Successor
- techdict:Suite
- techdict:Sun-stools
- techdict:Super
- techdict:Super minicomputer
- techdict:Superblock
- techdict:Superclass
- techdict:Supercombinators
- techdict:Supercompilation
- techdict:Supercomputer
- techdict:Superhighway
- techdict:Superimpose
- techdict:Superordinate
- techdict:Superpipelined
- techdict:Superscalar
- techdict:Superscript
- techdict:Superset
- techdict:Supertype
- techdict:Supremum
- techdict:Surfaces
- techdict:Surfing
- techdict:Surjection
- techdict:Surjective
- techdict:Surrogate key
- techdict:Svg
- techdict:Swap partition
- techdict:Swap space
- techdict:Swapped in
- techdict:Swapped out
- techdict:Swapping
- techdict:Switch statement
- techdict:Switchboard
- techdict:Switched virtual circuit
- techdict:Switched virtual connection
- techdict:Switching
- techdict:Switchover
- techdict:Swung dash
- techdict:Symbolic inference
- techdict:Symbolic mathematics
- techdict:Symmetric control
- techdict:Symmetric key cryptography
- techdict:Symmetric multiprocessor
- techdict:Sync level
- techdict:Sync pulse
- techdict:Synchronized
- techdict:Synchronous key encryption
- techdict:Synflood
- techdict:Synonym ring
- techdict:Syntactic analyser
- techdict:Syntax directed translation
- techdict:Syntax highlighting
- techdict:Syntax tree
- techdict:Synthesis
- techdict:Sysadmin
- techdict:System analyst
- techdict:System beep
- techdict:System bus
- techdict:System call
- techdict:System catalog
- techdict:System controller
- techdict:System management
- techdict:System manager
- techdict:System message
- techdict:System name
- techdict:System number
- techdict:System operator
- techdict:System settings
- techdict:System tray
- techdict:Systems analyst
- techdict:Systems jock
- techdict:Systems operator
- techdict:Systolic array
- techdict:Tabbed
- techdict:Tablet
- techdict:Tagging
- techdict:Talk
- techdict:Tall
- techdict:TCLASS
- techdict:TCP/IP
- techdict:Team
- techdict:Tear-off
- techdict:Telnet
- techdict:Terminus
- techdict:Ternary
- techdict:Third-party repository
- techdict:Thumb Nails
- techdict:Tick
- techdict:Tile
- techdict:Tint
- techdict:Tip
- techdict:Tivoization
- techdict:Todo
- techdict:Token
- techdict:Toner
- techdict:Toolbar
- techdict:Toolchain
- techdict:Toolkit
- techdict:Tooltip
- techdict:Trace
- techdict:Track
- techdict:Track ball
- techdict:Tracker
- techdict:Traffic
- techdict:Transaction
- techdict:Transcoder
- قالب:Translated
- techdict:Translucency
- techdict:Transmission channel
- techdict:Transpose
- techdict:Tray
- techdict:Trigger
- techdict:Trim
- techdict:Trivial File Transfer Protocol
- techdict:Troubleshooting
- techdict:Truncate
- techdict:Tty
- techdict:Tuple
- techdict:Tutorial
- techdict:Typesetting
- techdict:Ubiquitous computing
- techdict:Ultra-large-scale
- techdict:Unary
- techdict:Unary operator
- techdict:Unasserted
- techdict:Uncompression
- techdict:Uncountable
- techdict:Uncover
- techdict:Uncrypted
- techdict:Uncurrying
- techdict:Undelete
- techdict:Under line
- techdict:Underflow
- techdict:Underline
- techdict:Underlining
- techdict:Underlying
- techdict:Undocumented feature
- techdict:Unfold
- techdict:Ungroup
- techdict:Unification
- techdict:Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
- techdict:Unifier
- techdict:Uniform resource
- techdict:Unify
- techdict:Uninstall
- techdict:Uninstaller
- techdict:Union
- techdict:Uniprocessor
- techdict:Unique
- techdict:Unique key
- techdict:Unique sales point
- techdict:Unit in last place
- techdict:Unit testing
- techdict:Universal
- techdict:Universal address
- techdict:Universal quantifier
- techdict:Universal thunk
- techdict:Universe of discourse
- techdict:Unlink
- techdict:Unload
- techdict:Unmark
- techdict:Unmarked
- techdict:Unmute
- techdict:Unnormalised
- techdict:Unprotect
- techdict:Unproto
- techdict:Unpublished
- techdict:Unread
- techdict:Unread only
- techdict:Unsent
- techdict:Unshielded twisted pair
- techdict:Unstage
- techdict:Untyped
- techdict:Up
- techdict:Uparrow
- techdict:Updating
- techdict:Upgradeability
- techdict:Upload slot
- techdict:Upper
- techdict:Upper bound
- techdict:Upper Memory Area
- techdict:Upper memory block
- techdict:Upper Memory Block
- techdict:Upper memory size
- techdict:Upper Stream
- techdict:Upright
- techdict:Upstream
- techdict:Uptime