تصنيف:Untranslated Terms
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صفحات تصنيف «Untranslated Terms»
الصفحات 200 التالية مصنّفة بهذا التصنيف، من إجمالي 1,992.
(الصفحة السابقة) (الصفحة التالية)I
- techdict:Instruction prefetch
- techdict:Instruction set
- techdict:Instruction set architecture
- techdict:Insufficient
- techdict:Integrated circuit
- techdict:Integration testing
- techdict:Integrity constrain
- techdict:Intelligent backtracking
- techdict:Intelligent key
- techdict:Intelligent structure
- techdict:Intensional
- techdict:Inter-exchange carrier
- techdict:Inter-packet gap
- techdict:Inter-process communication
- techdict:Interaction
- techdict:Interactive development environment
- techdict:Intercept
- techdict:Interchange File Format
- techdict:Interest
- techdict:Interface analysis
- techdict:Interface card
- techdict:Interlace
- techdict:Interlaced
- techdict:Interlaced image
- techdict:Interlacing
- techdict:Interleave
- techdict:Interleaving
- techdict:Intermercial
- techdict:Internal field separator
- techdict:Internetworking
- techdict:Interoperability
- techdict:Interoperable database
- techdict:Interpolation
- techdict:Interpret
- techdict:Interrupt
- techdict:Interrupt handler
- techdict:Interrupt list
- techdict:Intersect
- techdict:Interupt
- techdict:Interval
- techdict:Interworking
- techdict:Intuitionistic probability
- techdict:Invalid
- techdict:Invariant
- techdict:Inverse comment convention
- techdict:Inverted index
- techdict:IRC
- techdict:Irrational number
- techdict:Irrefutable
- techdict:Isochronous
- techdict:Isochronous transfer
- techdict:Isometric joystick
- techdict:Isometry
- techdict:Isomorphic
- techdict:Isomorphism
- techdict:Isomorphism class
- techdict:Iterative deepening
- techdict:Iterator
- techdict:Label edge router
- techdict:Label switched path
- techdict:Lambda abstraction
- techdict:Lambda expression
- techdict:Lambda lifting
- techdict:Lambda-calculus
- techdict:Lamp-post error
- techdict:Larges
- techdict:Last call optimisation
- techdict:Latch
- techdict:Launch icon
- techdict:Leaky heap
- techdict:Leap second
- techdict:Least fixed point
- techdict:Least recently used
- techdict:Least significant bit
- techdict:Least upper bound
- techdict:Lee
- techdict:Left join
- techdict:Left outer joint
- techdict:Left outside
- techdict:Left-handed
- techdict:Legacy
- techdict:Legacy system
- techdict:Lemma
- techdict:Lenient evaluation
- techdict:Let floating
- techdict:Level-sensitive scan design
- techdict:Lexeme
- techdict:Lexical scope
- techdict:Lexical scoping
- techdict:Liar paradox
- techdict:Liechtenstein
- techdict:Ligature
- techdict:Light pipe
- techdict:Limes
- techdict:Line arguments
- techdict:Line conditioning
- techdict:Line discipline
- techdict:Line pattern
- techdict:Line probing
- techdict:Line starve
- techdict:Linear address space
- techdict:Linear argument
- techdict:Linear assignment
- techdict:Linear space
- techdict:Linen
- techdict:Linewrap
- techdict:Link loader
- techdict:List comprehension
- techdict:Listbox
- techdict:Literate programming
- techdict:Little-endian
- techdict:Local exchange carrier
- techdict:Local loopback addresses
- techdict:Localised
- techdict:Locality
- techdict:Localize
- techdict:Locals
- techdict:Lock-in
- techdict:Locked up
- techdict:Log off
- techdict:Logarithmus dualist
- techdict:Logical complement
- techdict:Logically-ordered
- techdict:Login banner
- techdict:Long mode
- techdict:Longitudinal parity
- techdict:Look-up table
- techdict:Lookahead
- techdict:Loop combination
- techdict:Loop fusion
- techdict:Loop through
- techdict:Loopback file
- techdict:Lower Stream
- techdict:Lowercase
- techdict:Lub
- techdict:Luminance
- techdict:Lump uncurrying
- techdict:Machine-collating
- techdict:Macro
- techdict:Magnetostrictive delay line
- techdict:Mail gateway
- techdict:Mail hub
- techdict:Maintain
- techdict:Mall
- techdict:Manifest section
- techdict:Manipulator
- techdict:Mapping
- techdict:Mark-sweep garbage collection
- techdict:Marked only
- techdict:Marker primitive
- techdict:Marquee
- techdict:Marshalling
- techdict:Maximal free expression
- techdict:Maximin
- techdict:Maximum segment size
- techdict:Median
- techdict:Meg
- techdict:Megaflop
- techdict:Megaflops
- techdict:Memetic algorithm
- techdict:Memoisation
- techdict:Memoised function
- techdict:Memoization
- techdict:Memoized function
- techdict:Message digest function
- techdict:Message switching
- techdict:Metaheuristic
- techdict:Metasyntax
- techdict:Mid-level network
- techdict:Middle-endian
- techdict:Middleware
- techdict:Migrate
- techdict:Millennium meltdown
- techdict:MIME
- techdict:Mind mouse
- techdict:Mind uploading
- techdict:Minimal automaton
- techdict:Minimax
- techdict:Miniport
- techdict:Minor fault
- techdict:Minus infinity
- techdict:Misfeature
- techdict:Modal logic
- techdict:Mode bi
- techdict:Model checking
- techdict:Modular arithmetic