
من ويكي عربآيز
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You can format your text using wiki markup. This consists of normal characters like asterisks, single quotes or equation marks which have a special function in the wiki, sometimes depending on their position. For example, to format a word in italic, you include it in two single quotes like ''this''

Note: Would like to read this page in Arabic, localize it


Mediawiki ignores normal line breaks. To start a new paragraph, leave an empty line. You can also start a newline with the HTML tag <br />.


Some HTML-Tags are allowed in MediaWiki, for example <code>, <div>, <span> and <font>.

Recapitulative table

Description You type You get
applies anywhere
Italic text ''italic'' italic
Bold text '''bold''' bold
Bold and italic '''''bold & italic''''' bold & italic
Escape wiki markup <nowiki>no ''markup''</nowiki> no ''markup''
only at the beginning of the line
Headings of

different sizes

==level 1==
===level 2===
====level 3====
=====level 4=====

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4
Horizontal rule


Bullet list

* one
* two
* three

  • one
  • two
  • three
Numbered list

# one
# two
# three

  1. one
  2. two
  3. three
Definition list

:item 1
:item 2

item 1
item 2
Preformatted text

  a space at the
  beginning of the line
  preformatted text

a space at the 
beginning of the line
preformatted text


Description You type You get
Internal link [[Page]] Page
Piped link [[Page|different text]] different text
External link http://mediawiki.org http://mediawiki.org
External link,

different title

[http://mediawiki.org MediaWiki] MediaWiki
External link,


[http://mediawiki.org] [1]
External link,

same host unnamed

[http://{{SERVERNAME}}/pagename] [2]
Interwiki link [[Wikipedia:MediaWiki]] Wikipedia:MediaWiki

There are four sorts of links in MediaWiki: internal links to other pages in the wiki, external links to websites, InterWiki links to other wikis and interlanguage links to other language versions of the same wiki.

To add an internal link, enclose the name of the page you want to link to in double square brackets. When you save the page, you'll see the new link pointing to your page. If the page exists already, it is displayed in blue, empty pages are displayed in red. Selflinks to the current page are not transformed in URLs but displayed in bold.

The first letter of the target page is automatically capitalized and spaces are represented as underscores (typing an underscore in the link has the same effect as typing a space, but is not recommended).


{| start table
|+ table caption, optional; only one per table and between table start and first row
|- table row, optional on first row -- wiki engine assumes the first row
! table header cell, optional. Consecutive table headers may be added on same line separated by double marks (!!) or start on new lines, each with its own single mark (!).
| table data cell, required! Consecutive table data cells may be added on same line separated by double marks (||) or start on new lines, each with its own single mark (|).
|} end table
  • The above marks must start on a new line except the double || and !! for optionally adding consecutive cells to a line.
  • XHTML attributes. Each mark, except table end, optionally accepts one or more XHTML attributes. Attributes must be on the same line as the mark. Separate attributes from each other with a single space.
    • Cells and caption (| or ||, ! or !!, and |+) hold content. So separate any attributes from content with a single pipe (|). Cell content may follow on same line or on following lines.
    • Table and row marks ({| and |-) do not directly hold content. Do not add pipe (|) after their optional attributes. If you erroneously add a pipe after attributes for the table mark or row mark the parcer will delete it and your final attribute if it was touching the erroneouse pipe!
  • Content may (a) follow its cell mark on the same line after any optional XHTML attributes or (b) on lines below the cell mark. Content that uses wiki markup that itself needs to start on a new line, such as lists, headers, or nested tables, must of course be on its own new line.

Simple table


The following table lacks borders and good spacing but shows the simplest wiki markup table structure

Orange Apple
Bread Pie
Butter Ice cream
|Ice cream 


For more table-ish looking wiki markup cells can be listed on one line separated by ||. This does not scale well for longer cell content such as paragraphs. It works well for short bits of content however, such as our example table.

Extra spaces within cells in the wiki markup can be added, as I have done in the wiki markup below, to make the wiki markup itself look better but they do not effect the actual table rendering.

HTML attributes can be added to this table following the examples in other tables on this page but have been left out of the following example for simplicity.

Orange Apple more
Bread Pie more
Butter Ice cream and more
|  Orange    ||   Apple   ||   more
|   Bread    ||   Pie     ||   more
|   Butter   || Ice cream ||  and more

With HTML attributes

You can add HTML attributes to make your table look better


Orange Apple
Bread Pie
Butter Ice cream
{| border="1"
|Ice cream 
align="center" border="1"
Orange Apple
Bread Pie
Butter Ice cream
{| align="center" border="1"
|Ice cream 
align="right" border="1"

You can put attributes on individual cells. Numbers for example may look better aligned right

Orange Apple 12,333.00
Bread Pie 500.00
Butter Ice cream 1.00
{| border="1"
|Ice cream

You can put attributes on individual rows, too.

Orange Apple 12,333.00
Bread Pie 500.00
Butter Ice cream 1.00
{| border="1"
|- style="font-style:italic;color:green;"
|Ice cream
cellspacing="0" border="1"
Orange Apple
Bread Pie
Butter Ice cream
{| cellspacing="0" border="1"
|Ice cream 
cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0" border="1"
Orange Apple
Bread Pie
Butter Ice cream
{| cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0" border="1"
|Ice cream 

With HTML attributes and CSS styles

CSS style attributes can be added with or without other HTML attributes

style="color:green;background-color:#ffffcc;" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0" border="1"
Orange Apple
Bread Pie
Butter Ice cream
{| style="color:green;background-color:#ffffcc;" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0" border="1"
|Ice cream 

Table with TH headings

TH (HTML table headings) can be created by using ! instead of |. Headings usually show up bold and centered by default.

Top headings

Each column
Yummy Yummier
Orange Apple
Bread Pie
Butter Ice cream
{| border="1" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0"
|Ice cream 
Orange Apple
Bread Pie
Butter Ice cream
{| border="1" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0"
! colspan="2"|Yummies
|Ice cream 

Side headings

Fruit Orange Apple
Dish Bread Pie
Complement Butter Ice cream
{| border="1" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0"
|Ice cream 
Right justify

Right justified side headings can be done as follows

Fruit Orange Apple
Dish Bread Pie
Complement Butter Ice cream
{| border="1" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0"
!align="right" |Fruit
!align="right" |Dish
!align="right" |Complement
|Ice cream 


A table caption can be added to the top of any table as follows

Food complements
Orange Apple
Bread Pie
Butter Ice cream
{| border="1" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0"
|+Food complements
|Ice cream 

Attributes can be added to the caption as follows

Food complements
Orange Apple
Bread Pie
Butter Ice cream
{| border="1" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0"
|+align="bottom" style="color:#e76700;"|''Food complements''
|Ice cream 

Table with H1, H2, H3 etc. headings

HTML H1, H2, H3, H4 etc. headings can be created the standard wiki markup way with ==equal== signs and must be on a line all by themselves to work.

Preview the whole table. If you click on an edit tab for a heading within a table, edit, and preview, the parent table will display erroneously broken because part of it will be missing.

Keep the heading hierarchy consistant with the rest of the page so that the table of contents at page top works correctly.


Orange Apple
Bread Pie
Butter Ice cream
{| border="1" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0"
|Ice cream 